23 years of longevity activism
On January 20, I created my own personal celebration, marking an anniversary of my involvement in longevity activism. On January 20, 2022, I marked 20 years of my longevity activism: 10 years part time involvement – between January 2002 (establishing our first multilingual website on life extension) to January 2012 (completing the PhD on the history of life-extensionism), and then 10 years essentially full time involvement – between January 20, 2012 (our first public demonstration for life extension) to January 2022 (encouraging calls for research proposals on aging and healthy longevity).
Continuing to keep this anniversary, 3 more years of longevity activism have passed, more work was done.
In 2022, the activity mostly focused on writing academic and popular papers, and educational promotions on line at conferences and lectures.
The activities in 2023 mostly focused on developing the Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life in Israel, its conference (Longevity Nation, on March 26-27, 2023), online platform, collaborations, administration, policy outreach, public demonstration and campaigns, media coverage, scientific and popular scientific publications.
The activities in 2024 mostly focused on developing International Longevity Alliance (ILA), in particular encouraging the Longevity Month campaign in October and increasing the ILA membership and exposure.
and developing the Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life in Israel, especially organizing the Longevity Nation conference in Bar-Ilan University on October 28-31 (end of the Longevity Month) and associated promotions and partnerships.
In relation to activism (generally strengthening the involvement in the longevity field), also research and educational work was done (publications and conferences).
In more details, during 2024, I published 15 academic papers (6 book chapters and 9 peer-reviewed articles, 7 alone and 8 in co-authorship – 13 printed in 2024, and 2 more went to print during the year), altogether published 76 academic papers (27 book chapters and 49 articles), plus 2 books (h-index 19, ~2660 citations, ~2300 citations since 2019).
In 2024, I was strongly involved in organizing 2 international conferences on longevity research: The International Baltic Conference on Healthy Longevity in Riga, Latvia (https://longevitybaltics.org/) and the Longevity Nation conference in Tel-Aviv, Israel (promoting the longevity field in Israel and cooperation with Israel in the longevity field, despite the current situation here https://longevitynation.org/)
Overall, during 2024, participated as an invited speaker in 10 international academic conferences, physically and online, altogether presented as an invited speaker in 75 academic conferences. https://www.longevityhistory.com/about-the-author/
Considering in more details the activities in Israel, the Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, in 2024, received a good governance certificate for the 7th year in a row, and brought into the association about 100,000 USD in donations.
Largely thanks to the advocacy work at Vetek association, there were encouraged and formulated calls for research proposals on aging and healthy longevity in Israel.
Also, contributed to developing the International Longevity Alliance (ILA), which, in 2024, grew to include 68 non-profit associations and social enterprises as federated members, working in 58 countries https://longevityalliance.org/members/
The plans for 2025 are to continue the promotion of healthy longevity research, development and education. Planning to produce in 2025 a new collected volume “Healthy Longevity: Policies and Practices” in the Springer Nature Healthy Aging and Longevity series, that will hopefully encourage the healthy longevity policy discussion and outreach, in academia and among decision makers and the general public. https://www.springer.com/series/13277
Additional publications are in progress.
In 2025, planning to be strongly involved in the organization of several international conferences on healthy longevity, in Israel (Longevity Nation 2025, in Bar-Ilan University on June 25-26, 2025 https://longevitynation.org/) and several other countries, including Portugal (Porto), Latvia (Riga), Switzerland (Geneva) and perhaps others. Thereby also hoping to encourage more international cooperation in the longevity field.
Hopefully, it will be possible to make or encourage additional contributions to our common goal of healthy longevity for all.
Hoping for a continuation of productive activism for the promotion of healthy longevity.
Sincerely, Ilia Stambler