On September 7, 2024, the first meeting of the trustees of International Longevity Alliance UK (ILA UK) took place. This establishment will help improve the administrative, fundraising and project-managing capacities of the international longevity community. (Note that currently the site longevityforall.org serves as the website of ILA UK)
At the meeting, 33 organizations were confirmed as founding federated members of ILA UK. Additional candidatures of federated ILA UK members will be welcome. Looking forward to the enhanced cooperation for healthy longevity through scientific research and advocacy!
The founding federated members of ILA UK are:
1. International Longevity Alliance (ILA)
2. Vetek (Seniority) Association – The Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life
3. Society for Vital Life Extension of Slovenia
4. European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM)
5. Live Forever Club CIC
6. Healthspan Action Coalition
7. Blanc Alliance Public Affairs
8. Longevity Alliance Denmark
9. Life Extension Beyond Borders
10. Red IBERoamericana de Prospectiva (RIBER)
11. Fundación Canaria ALCASIV (Fundación Longenia para la Extensión de la Vida)
12. Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions (TAFFD’s)
13. Humanity Plus, Inc.
14. Bulgarian Academic Simulation And Gaming Association (BASAGA)
15. Asociația de Genetică și Medicină Personalizată (AGMP)
16. Vitalism International Foundation
17. Enlightenment Transhumanist Forum of Nigeria
18. Gesellschaft für Gesundes Altern und Prävention
19. Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation (LEVF)
20. American Longevity Alliance
21. Transhumanists Africa, Inc.
22. Sociedade Portugesa Medicina e Ciência Longevidade
23. Longevity Alliance of Georgia
24. Biogerontology Research Foundation
25. Longevity International Association
26. Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society (ATLAS)
27. Healthy Life Extension Society (Heales)
28. AFT-Technoprog
29. Public Health Informatics Foundation (PHIF)
30. Canadian Longevity Association
31. Italian Longevity League APS
32. Longévité & Santé
33. Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB)