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Improving Longevity in Nigeria

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Improving Longevity in Nigeria

By Agbolade Omowole

Why is the average life expectancy in Nigeria 52 years? In Europe, it is 81 on the average. The average life expectancy worldwide is 71. Why is it low in Nigeria?

Is it ignorance? It is said that if you want to hide something from an African, put it inside a book. But that has to change. The future is more important than the past.

Today, October 1, is Nigeria’s Independence Day celebration and doubles as the UN international day of older persons and the international longevity day. Thanks to the research on aging of scientists who are working on extending human’s health span.

Let us ask, what can be done to increase the average life expectancy in Nigeria?

Join Longevity Nigeria:

See “ICT, imperative for sustainable development in Nigeria— Omowole”

See Adedayo Oluseun Adedeji. Longevity in Nigeria: What and what Really Matters?

See also: Ilia Stambler. A short greeting/presentation for the International Longevity Day in Nigeria. View the video here: Longevity Day Nigeria

Ilia Stambler. Longevity Promotion With Information & Communication Technology. Remote presentation for the 2015 Nigeria ICT Festival

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