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Happy forthcoming Longevity Day!


Dear friends,

There are just a few days until October 1, the UN International Day of Older Persons, also recognized in some parts of the Longevity Advocacy Community – as the International Longevity Day.

Concerted efforts on such dedicated days can be an extremely effective form of advocacy for a cause. Consider for example the recent Avaaz Campaign for Clean Energy that took place on September 21. The action involved marches and other events in dozens of countries, in hundreds of communities, by hundreds of thousands of participants, and millions signing the petition. We can be sure that thanks to such actions the issue of Clean Energy will receive a greater emphasis with the wide public and policy makers.

This can also be an example for the Longevity Movement. We are yet very far from such scope of activity, but we may aspire to it, in order to make healthy longevity for all a real public and political priority around the world. October 1 can be an exercise in such concerted action.

Last year, events on or around that day were held by longevity researchers and activists in more than 30 countries. This year, the activities seem to have subsided. Yet the tradition is maintained, hopefully we will pick up in the next year and many years to come!

Here is a report about the current events and the ones that were organized last year. Some events just coincided with that time, but some were purposefully initiated to celebrate the Longevity Day! Altogether they emphasize the importance of aging and longevity research for the well being and longevity of Older Persons.–-the-international-day-of-older-persons/

There is still some time to produce some publications or posts, or gather with a few friends live or online to celebrate the occasion! If you are organizing some event, please announce. Would also be grateful if you please send me some descriptions and pictures of the events – so I could produce a nice global report. Some small prizes may also be possible.

Besides meetings and publications, other kinds of activities are possible. For example, the fundraising campaign by Fight Aging on behalf of SENS Research Foundation is also scheduled to start on October 1. This can be combined with other events, for example distributing the campaign’s flyers at a local meeting.

In our community we are organizing a small seminar on the social implications of extended longevity.

I personally also scheduled the publication of my new book on the history of longevity research, entitled “A History of Life-Extensionism in the Twentieth Century” toward this time (thankful for any feedback). Proceedings from sales of this book will go to support longevity activism, especially local activism of the kind that will hopefully take place on October 1.

Looking forward to many more events supporting Longevity Research on and around October 1 – the International Day of Older Persons – and afterwards throughout the year!


Ilia Stambler

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