ILA general assembly – 6 March 2021
On March 6, 2021, the regular annual general assembly of the International Longevity Alliance took place.
The assembly approved the ILA activity report for 2020.
The assembly re-elected 3 board members for another 2 years term: Daria Khaltourina – Council for Public Health and Problems of Demography (Russia), Edouard Debonneuil – Longevite & Sante (France), Ilia Stambler – Israeli Longevity Alliance (Israel).
4 board members remain to serve another year of their 2 years term: Maria Entraigues – SENS Research Foundation (US), Walter Crompton – American Longevity Alliance (US), Didier Coeurnelle – AFT Technoprog (France), Alexander Tietz – HEALES (EU).
Additional topics and news:
The International Longevity Alliance (ILA) welcomes its new federated member, the Russian National Academy of Active Longevity! Welcome aboard!
Currently, the ILA includes 25 registered non-profit associations from 21 countries as federated members.
On March 1, the Israeli Longevity Alliance successfully conducted an online conference on Longevity and Quality of Life. The meeting recording (in Hebrew) is available.
On March 12, 14.00 CET, there takes place the panel on longevity organized by the ILA federated member, the Slovenian Society for Vital Life Extension. This is a part of the Digital Transformation in Science, Education and Arts conference, Slovenia. Details and registration:
The conference panel on Longevity (“social gerontology”)
More announcements about ILA events, website development and other activities are forthcoming.
Looking forward to the active 2021!