ILA yearly report 2021
The International Longevity Alliance (ILA) presents its yearly report for 2021.
In 2021, ILA continued to advance its mission of promoting “healthy longevity for all through scientific research”. Conducting promotional activities was not easy in this period. Yet, in 2021, ILA remained active.
In 2021, ILA increased its federated membership to 33 registered non-profit associations from 26 countries as federated members.
Most recently, 3 associations from Canada joined: Canadian Longevity Association (CLA), Lifespan Society of British Columbia, and Vitality Healthspan Foundation.
In 2021, the ILA organized and co-organized and/or was strongly represented in a dozen online longevity conferences, especially during October, “the Longevity Month”, organized by core ILA members in several countries, with international participation, including: Slovenia, Belgium, Nigeria, Bulgaria, Brazil, Malaysia, US, Spain, India, Russia, Israel.
Furthermore, ILA continued its scientific activities as well as activities for the promotion of science.
Analytical summaries have been published, such as
“Anti-aging treatments against COVID!?”
Moreover, the ILA launched a worldwide and unlimited collaboration, based on open data, to collectively see how to improve health worldwide. The initiative is entitled OpenData4Health, and welcomes any volunteer and any institution to join the project! The initiator is an ILA board member Dr. Edouard Debonneuil. Instructions are at:
The results of ILA-initiated studies of potential geroprotective therapies in mice have been reported in the scientific literature. Thus, a recent study explored the effect of the potential geroprotective drug C60: Dmytro Shytikov, Iryna Shytikova, Deepak Rohila, Anton Kulaga, Tatiana Dubiley, and Iryna Pishel. Effect of Long-Term Treatment with C60 Fullerenes on the Lifespan and Health Status of CBA/Ca Mice. Rejuvenation Research, 24(5), 345-353, 2021.
An additional research study on the use of senolytic drugs for healthy longevity in mice, co-organized by ILA and Leipzig university, under the direction of Dr. Alexandra Stolzing, is now in the final stages of preparation.
In 2021, ILA together with HEALES, co-sponsored additional mouse lifespan trials, at the initiative and by the support of an ILA board member Didier Coeurnelle
As well as the Longevity Hackathon
A strong focus of ILA scientific activities has been on developing clinical evaluation criteria for aging and aging-related diseases.
For example, ILA experts, an ILA board member Dr. Ilia Stambler and an ILA scientific advisor Dr. Alexey Moskalev, initiated, under ILA affiliation, a special research topic on clinical evaluation criteria of aging and aging-related diseases, in the scientific journal Frontiers in Genetics: Genetics of Aging. 9 scientific articles have been published in this research topic by internationally acclaimed scientists, as well as an e-book, and summary by the ILA expert editors.
And perhaps most importantly, in a large measure thanks to the years-long advocacy of ILA members, especially an ILA board member Dr. Daria Khaltourina, since January 1st, 2022, “aging” is officially included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) under 2 categories: “symptoms” and “causality”.
Please read about this inclusion in the article by the ILA board members Daria Khaltourina and Ilia Stambler, published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity, entitled “Advanced pathological ageing should be represented in the ICD”
(free and open access)
As well as this explanation
This is the kind of achievement that ILA was created and existed for! And it gives encouragement for more activities and achievements in the future!
The ILA continues its operation. On January 29, 2022, the annual ILA general assembly took place, and confirmed 8 ILA board members, representing 8 of the ILA federated members. 5 federated members will serve a new two year term in the board: Maria Entraigues Abramson – SENS Research Foundation (US); Walter H. Crompton – American Longevity Alliance (US); Didier Coeurnelle – AFT Technoprog (France); Alexander Tietz-Latza – HEALES (EU); Martin Lipovšek – Society for Vital Life Extension (Slovenia). There will remain 3 federated members to serve for another year of their 2 years term: Daria Khaltourina – Council for Public Health and Problems of Demography (Russia); Edouard Debonneuil – Longevite & Sante (France); Ilia Stambler – Israeli Longevity Alliance (Israel).
Looking forward to a new productive year for the ILA!
ILA board