Metchnikoff day – May 15. Online conference – May 16
The 1st Metchnikoff’s Day Online Conference
“Aging, Immunity and COVID-19”
May 16, 2020
Time (tentative, may be updated): 8am PST, 11am EST, 15pm GMT, 17pm CET, 18 pm IST/MST.
The online conference is dedicated to celebrating the 175th anniversary of Elie Metchnikoff, the founder of gerontology and cell immunology (May 15, 1845-July 15, 1916). The conference will foster academic and public discussion on how biological research of aging and longevity could help tackle COVID-19 pandemics and improve the control of aging-related communicable and non-communicable diseases.
We will advocate for the strong enhancement of the research of aging-mediated immune deficiency as a major risk factor for disability and mortality. It is established that elders have a much greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than young people. While the average mortality rate from COVID-19 among known cases in Hubei, China, was 0.2% until the age of 40 y.o., it was 14.8% among people over 80 y.o. COVID-19 is thus a disease opportunistically associated with aging. Hence ameliorating degenerative aging processes appears to be the most promising way to protect patients, especially the elderly, to reduce their disability and mortality.
The conference will emphasize this connection. The International Longevity Alliance holds annual events on Metchnikoff’s Day to promote longevity research and advocacy around the world.
Attendance is open and free, yet registration is requested.
Registration form (ZOOM link will be sent to the registered attendants in advance).
In addition, the conference will be streamed on facebook, from the ILA group
The recording is on youtube
The Program
Facebook event
Event poster
See also events and materials from Metchnikoff’s day celebrations in 2015, on Metchnikoff’s 170th anniversary
Presentations for Metchnikoff’s 175th anniversary